
Below you will find a list of websites that range from places to find job postings to national LGBT organization in different countries to LGBT policies.

If you have additions you would like to see feel free to contact us.

Relevant LGBT Resources

Toolkit for Integrating LGBT Rights Activities into Programming in the E&E Region – A resource from USAID on integrating LGBT rights into programs in the Europe and Eurasia region.

International LGBT Organizations

UNGLOBE – United Nations organization for LGBT UN employees

ILGA – International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association.

GLIFAA – US organization for Department of State, USAID, and other foreign affairs offices.

LGBT Freedom and Asylum Network – LGBT-FAN is dedicated to helping people who are seeking safety in the U.S. because of persecution of their sexual orientation or gender identity in their home countries.

Region specific:


GALCK – The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya – LGBT org in Kenya. Contact them to be added to a mailing list for events and to connect to others in the country. (Twitter account here)

Middle East

Helem – LGBT advocacy organization based in Lebanon. (Twitter account here)

LGBT Articles

LGBT Aid workers: deployment dilemmas (via FMR)

Revealing My Sexuality Could Make My Job Impossible (via Rutgers)

LGBT Humanitarian Sites/Blogs

The Gay Humanitarian – Anonymous blog for gay employees in the humanitarian and non-profit sector.

Humanitarian Dating – A nonprofit dating site.

Job Sites




Foreign Policy Association Job Board 

LGBT HR Policies

You can find our HR Policy Resource Center here.

We are currently trying to compile a resource for LGBT specific HR policies. If your organization has any policies they would like to share feel free to contact us.