
The first mission of LGBT Aid and Development workers is Community. We want to create a platform where gay aid workers can come together and connect.

How it works

Currently the community aspect of our organization is run through a private Facebook group and a LinkedIn group for networking and more formal (but also more public) conversations. You must be added directly by an admin if you want to be added into the Facebook group. If you are interested in joining the private Facebook groupĀ contact us and we’ll get you set up.

Facebook – We have a private FB group open to everyone. Simply contact us and give us your email and we’ll send you an invite. Our topics range from helping people in a new field office, connecting aid workers to each other, and providing resources related to work and living abroad.

Meet Ups – We’ve had meet ups in London and Amman, with more to come! All of our events are organised through our Facebook group.

Community Reps – We have community reps in cities around the world. If you’re heading to a new area for the first time or just want to meet people in your own base in the world, look at our list on our Facebook group or email us.

LinkedIn – Our LinkedIn group is public. Once you request to join we will approve you.

AidSource – While we don’t have a specific group, AidSource is a great place to connect to other aid workers.

Twitter – You can follow us on Twitter at @LGBTAidWorkers


Currently, the idea of a private Facebook group has worked for all of our members. We’re open to other ideas as well. If you have any ideas please send us a message.